Saturday, December 27, 2008

First Christmas without Abbi

Ursula and I are in puppy love with Daisy, but we really do miss Abbi every day. And with what kind of a noodge Daisy has been, we're thinking that maybe she has been channeling Abbi at times. Her mannerisms and overall attitude scream "I am Abbi."

So I was a little sad around Christmas, and so was Ursula, knowing that Abbi wouldn't be here to eat the wrapping paper on Christmas morning.

But Ursula knew how to make things a little better, add to the closure. She (or Abbi) left a Christmas ornament with the name Abigail on it under our tree, with this note.

The tear-jerker: "I miss you lots, but I am in a much better place. I will always be with you in your hearts."

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Welcome to Abbi's Page

Abigail Adams Parry (or Abbi, as she was known) was a member of our family from November 4, 2001 until she was put to sleep on September 19, 2008.

A stray taken in by a family in New York, she was surrendered to Tri-State Basset Hound Rescue Group of New Jersey, and then adopted out to us. This is what Tri-State had to say about Abbi (then Abby) back in the day. And it was so true - she was a sweet and loving dog. Her age may have been off (we think she had been a stray for quite a long time because she seemed older by acted like a puppy), and we went with more traditional methods to treat her heartworm.

We were devistated when we found out Abbi had cancer. We noticed during the summer that she would go outside to pee, then tell us shortly after she needed to go out again. And the shape of her "business" seemed to be a little off.

When she started straining to go on Sept. 13, Ursula and I figured we better get her in to see our Vet on Monday morning.

There was something blocking her colon, but not necessarily colon cancer. She went in the next day for an ultrasound, which showed tumors all throughout her body. And there was one pushing against her colon, keeping her from passing anything through.

The biopsy done couldn't determine exactly whay kind of cancer it was, but we were told radiation and surgery could keep her alive for another six months. We didn't think it was fair to do that to her, rip her open for our own pleasure. So we made the toughest choice a pet owner ever could. We had Abbi put to sleep.

She was our little diva, the attention-seeker. She was Sam's antagonist, and she ignored Diggy. She would have loved playing with Daisy had she met her. And there's so many stories and memories of Abbi that we want to share.

This is Abbi's memorial page, but we'll also use it to share our memories of Sam, who was put down November 7, 2006, and the fun we have with Diggy (adopted March 10, 2007) and the adventures of raising the puppy, Daisy (adopted October 19, 2008 at the age on 11 weeks).

Enjoy the ride... Or in the case of the basset hounds, the low riders!